The book is part of a series on the history and conservation issues related to Japanese lacquer and the wares decorated with it. The series is aimed at conservators, curators of collections and exhibitions, and collectors. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Katarzyna Dróżdż currently works at the National Museum in Poznań, employed as a conservation assistant in…
Intervention conservation work in Lviv (Ukraine) in 2024.
Subsidised by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Culture Promotion – a state purpose fund In 2024, the Association received grants for conservation work at three sites in Lviv. These are:: Funding value from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage: 100% for each task.
Life interlaced: Wetlands and people. Exhibition on the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2024. PROM KULTURY, Warsaw, 23 Brukselska St., February 2 – 28, 2024
Exhibition on the occasion of the 53rd World Wetlands Day, Prom of Culture, Warsaw, February 2 – 28, 2024. Screenplay: Wojciech Baginski. Query: Michal Witkowski. Set design: Julia Grabowska. Above: “Bridge to Saska Kępa from Prague”, Karol Beyer (1818-1877) , Warsaw 1861-1863, print from collodion glass negative in the collection of the National Museum in…
Exhibition of sculpture and painting by Asdrubal Colmenarez and Leon Levkovitch. PROM KULTURY, Warsaw, 23 Brukselska Street, 3 – 26 November 2023.
We would like to invite you to the vernissage of the exhibition of works by Asdrubal Colmenarez and Leon Levkovitch, which will take place at the Prom Kultury Gallery in Warsaw, Saska Kępa, 28 Brukselska Street, on 3 November at 7 p.m. in Warsaw. The curators of the project, Anna Kwiecińska-Marek (Paris) and Agnieszka Pawlak…
Interventional conservation works in Lviv and Zhovkva (Ukraine) financed by the MKiDN in 2023
Subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state purpose fund. In 2023, the Association for the Supportt of Research and Conservation Initiatives received funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage’s programme “Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad” to carry out rescue and…
2 February – World Wetlands Day 2023 in the Kampinos Vistula Valley
The occurrence of the risk of climate destabilisation means that the traditional notion of nature/wildlife has to be radically redefined. There is no return to an understanding of nature as a pre-given and sustainable background for human activities. It is no longer neutral, but takes on a political and axiological dimension. Ewa Bińczyk, The Epoch…