Our association voices firm opposition to the armed invasion of independent Ukraine by Russia, Belarus.
On – line lecture with prof. Ewa Bińczyk
“Planetary Environmental Crisis and the Problem of Denialism”. Prof. Ewa Bińczyk on – line lecture, 2nd of February 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNVezUe0bWc
Wojtek Holnicki. Travel notes.
Exhibition of photographs on the occasion of the World Day of Wetlands, February 2-February 18, 2022, Warsaw, PROM KULTURY, ul.…
“Streets, alleys, empty spaces. Painting by Maurice Blond and Samuel Tepler “
September 14 – 26, 2021, Warsaw, PROM KULTURY, ul. Brukselska 23. Status: project completed.